Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) Training


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Welcome to our comprehensive Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) training program! In today’s globalized food industry, ensuring the safety of imported food products is paramount. Our training equips you with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the intricacies of foreign supplier verification and meet the stringent requirements of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).

Course Overview:

Our FSVP training program covers essential topics to help you effectively implement and manage FSVP requirements:

  • Understanding FSMA and FSVP – Develop a comprehensive understanding of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and the Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) regulations.
  • Determining Compliance Status – Learn how to assess whether your foreign suppliers meet the necessary food safety regulations, including preventive controls and hazard analysis.
  • Hazard Analysis – Conduct thorough hazard analysis to identify and evaluate food safety risks associated with imported products, encompassing biological, chemical, physical, and radiological hazards.
  • Verification and Record-keeping – Establish robust verification procedures, cultivate strong supplier relationships, and maintain meticulous records to demonstrate FSVP compliance.
  • Audit and Inspection Preparedness – Prepare your organization for regulatory audits and inspections with expert guidance and support.
  • Documentation and Record Management – Understand the critical importance of maintaining organized and accurate documentation, including supplier records and certificates of analysis.


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